447.400 (- 123.0)
Location: Teat Mountain ///sanded.maternal.coasts
Frequency: 447.400 MHz
Tone: CTCSS 123.0 Hz
Offset: - 5.000 MHz
This is a new repeater to UCARES! We are excited to add this repeater to help cover the east part of the county where we historically have not had excellent coverage.
This repeater is normally linked to the 147.34 and 145.230, but it can be linked to other UCARES repeaters when needed. In such circumstances, please coordinate with the repeater committee by contacting [email protected]
Estimated Propogation
Here is a render with an estimated progation map. Dark red/brown is for handheld radios (HT). Dark red is for a HT with a good antenna / low pwr mobile. Light red represents high power mobile / base radio.